Transducer Mounting Brackets

支持s the following standards: ASTM D4219, ASTM D7181, ASTM D2850, ASTM D2166, ASTM D1883, ASTM D4767, ASTM D2435, ASTM D4546, ASTM D5333
零件号 & 名字
hm - 5000 br
Linear Potentiometer Universal Bracket
hm - 4178快速公交
LSCT CBR Mounting Bracket
hm - 2310 br
Transducer Bracket f或使用 with 洪堡 HM-2315
hm - 4193 br
LSCT Mounting Bracket for Triaxial Testing
hm - 2305快速公交
Strain Transducer Bracket for HM-2305.10个传感器

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